$6.2 Million Verdict: Santana, et al. v. G.E.B. Medical Management, Inc., et al

In an 8 year battle over pregnancy discrimination, Scott A. Lucas representedthree women who were harassed, mistreated and ultimately terminated once theiremployer discovered they were pregnant or suspected them of being pregnant. “The verdict sends a message to all employers that they can’t harass and fire women for being pregnant.” – Scott A. Lucas After a […]
Groundbreaking Legal Precedent: Samiento, et al. v. World Yacht, Inc., et al.

Samiento, et al. v. World Yacht, Inc., et al., 10 N.Y.3d 70, 883 N.E.2d 990,854 N.Y.S.2d 83 (New York, 2008) In a case closely watched throughout New York State’s restaurant andbanquet industry, Scott A. Lucas argued before the State’s highest court onbehalf of 14 waiters suing to recover the “service charge” added tobanquets in place […]
$2.6 Million Verdict: Brown v. Suggs

The Law Offices of Scott A. Lucas represented the plaintiff in a trial thatproduced one of the highest abuse of process awards ($2.6 million) in NewYork State history. The case, Brown v. Suggs, involved a 7½ year litigation against WillieKathryn Suggs, a well-known Harlem real estate broker. After an 8-day trialin November 2007, the jury […]